拥有壮美自然景观的山东,钟灵毓秀,美不胜收;拥有“孔孟之乡、礼仪之邦”美誉的山东,历史悠久,文化灿烂;拥有大气鲁菜和精致小吃的山东,热气腾腾,珍馐飘香……《In Shandong》原创英文系列视频,邀请外国友人一起品鉴山东的“颜值”“滋味”和“内涵”,一起走近勤劳聪慧的山东人。

Confucian Cuisine, which originated in Qufu,Shandong, the birthplace of Confucius, is an important part of Shandong Cuisine.Confucius (551-479 BC) was one of China’s most influential sages and some of his ideas about food and diet played a significant role in the development of Chinese Cuisine.Confucius’ philosophy on food was inherited and developed by his descendants. Confucian Cuisine was included as part of China’s national intangible cultural heritage in 2011.

Confucian Cuisine is basically divided into two categories: banquet food and homely dish.Man-Han Banquet,the most complex banquet in Confucian Cuisine,consists of 196 dishes,such as Coloured Glaze Pearl,Rabbit Meat with Hot Pepper and Peanuts ,Lotus Prawn , etc.They are served on special silvered porcelain plates, and dining etiquette and manners have been passed down by Confucius" descendants for more than 2,000 years.Every dish has a story, which developed as a result of frequent visits by China"s emperors, high-ranking officials and other distinguished guests to Confucius" home.The many banquets, ceremonies and royal commemorations gave the family the opportunity to develop its own cooking style for formal occasions.







(部分素材来源:环球时报 新华网 中国日报 海报新闻)
