

1、whose whose[huz; hu:z]代名词A (疑问代名词 who 的所有格)1 谁的W~ umbrella is this ?.这是谁的伞 ?I wonder in [at] ~ house the party will be held.我不知道这次聚会会在谁家举行2 [独立用法] 谁的东西W~ are these shoes?.这是谁的鞋子?Tell me ~ to borrow.告诉我该借谁的B[huz,huz; hu:z,huz] (关系代名词)1 [who 的所有格]a. [限定用法] _ (做) …的 (人)I know a girl ~ mother is a pianist.我认识一个女孩,她的母亲是钢琴师The lady about ~ age you asked me is well over forty.你问起其年龄的那位女士已大大超过四十岁了b. [非限定用法; 通常前面加逗点] 而那个 [些] 人Mrs. Brown, ~ house we have rented for our vacation, is a rich widow.那位租房子给我们度假用的房东布朗太太是位富孀2 [which 的所有格]a. [限定用法] (做) …的 (东西)A book ~ pages are torn is worth less money.书页被撕破的书籍比较便宜b. [非限定用法; 通常前面加逗点] 它的,该物的This microcircuit, ~ parts are too small to be seen, was made in America.这个微型电路是美国制的,它的零件小得看不见。

