The First Quarter Report in 2023
Stock Code: 688007 Stock Short Name: Appotronics
Appotronics Corporation Limited
The First Quarter Report in 2023
The Board of Directors of the Company and all directors warrant that this Announcement is free
from any misrepresentation, misleading statement, or material omission, and shall be jointly and
severally liable for the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the content hereof.
Important Notes
(I)The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, directors, supervisors, and senior officers of the
Company hereby warrant that the information contained in this Quarterly Report is true, accurate and
complete and this Quarterly Report is free from any misrepresentation, misleading statement or
material omission, and agree to assume joint and several liability for this Quarterly Report.
(II)The Principal, Person in Charge of the Accounting Body, and Chief Accountant of the Company
hereby represent that the information of the financial statements contained in this Quarterly Report are
true, accurate and complete.
(III)Whether the financial statements of the 1st quarter have been audited
□ Yes √ No
本报告为深圳光峰科技股份有限公司自愿披露的《2023 年第一季度报告(英文版)》,对本
This is the First Quarterly Report in 2023 (English version) voluntarily disclosed by Appotronics
Corporation Limited. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of this
report, the Chinese version shall prevail.
The First Quarter Report in 2023
I. Major financial data
(IV) Main accounting data and financial indicators
Change on a
Item During the reporting period
year-on-year basis (%)
Operating income 459,012,885.14 -12.59
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company
Net profit attributable to shareholders
of the listed company after deduction of -11,377,457.90 -2,165.97
non-recurring profit or loss
Net cash flow from operating activities -36,331,090.68 N/A
Basic earnings per share
Diluted earnings per share
Weighted average return on net
assets (%)
Total R&D investments 63,434,898.20 15.49
Proportion of R&D investments
to operating income (%)
Changes at the end of
At the end of the At the end of the reporting period
reporting period the prior year from the end of the
prior year (%)
Total assets 4,357,740,302.44 4,333,350,260.15 0.56
Owners’ equity attributable to
shareholders of the listed company
(V) Items and amounts of non-recurring profit or loss
Item Amount for the Description
current period
The First Quarter Report in 2023
Gain or loss on disposal of non-current assets -108,462.62
Government grants recognized in profit or loss for the
current period (excluding government grants that are
closely related to the business of the Company and are 17,997,782.24
provided in fixed amount or quantity continuously
according to the applicable polices and standards of the
Profit or loss on entrusted investments or assets
Net profit or loss of subsidiaries from the beginning of the
period up to the business combination date recognized as a
result of business combination of enterprises involving
enterprises under common control
Profit or loss on changes in the fair value of
held-for-trading financial assets, derivative
financial assets, held-for-trading financial liabilities
and derivative financial liabilities and investment
income on disposal of held-for-trading financial
assets, derivative financial assets, held-for-trading
financial liabilities, derivative financial liabilities and
other debt investments, other than those used in the
effective hedging activities relating to normal
operating business
Receivables that are separately tested for impairment and
impairment of contract assets preparing to be reversed
Other non-operating income and expenses 298,864.40
Other profits or losses meeting the definition of
non-recurring profit or loss
Less: Effect of income taxes 3,096,907.64
Effects attributable to minority interests (net of tax) 290,756.91
Total 25,032,122.85
Description of defining non-recurring profit or loss items illustrated in Information Disclosure and
Presentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering of Securities No. 1- Non-recurring Profit
or Loss as recurring profit or loss items
□ Applicable √ N/A
(VI) Description of and reasons for changes in the main accounting data and financial
The First Quarter Report in 2023
√ Applicable □ N/A
Item % Change Main reason
Net profit attributable to
This was mainly due to a combination of reasons
shareholders of the listed
-2,165.97 such as lower revenue, increased investment in
company after deduction of
marketing and R&D.
non-recurring profit or loss
In the face of complex and changeable internal and external environment, the Company always
adheres to the strategic focus of " core technologies+ core devices + application scenarios ", and actively
adapts to changes in uncertainty. With profound technology accumulation in the field of optics, the
Company grasps the market opportunities brought by the steady advancement of the "core devices"
strategy, continues to increase R&D investment in growth businesses such as automotive optics, strives
to build a new growth pole of the Company"s performance, and pursues the Company"s high-quality
growth. In the first quarter of 2023, the Company"s main operating conditions are as follows:
Since entering the automotive optical track, the Company has continued to make breakthroughs in
the automotive optical business, quickly obtained the IATF 16949:2016 quality management system
certification, obtained the access pass to enter the domestic and foreign automotive industry supply
chain, and obtained the Development Nomination Letter issued by BYD, an internationally renowned
brand car company, Seres and other well-known car companies, to achieve rapid growth of automotive
optical business.
At the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES 2023) held in January 2023, automotive
brand BMW unveiled the world"s first concept car equipped with four-window fusion display
technology—Dee, for which the Company provided four-window fusion display technology module. At
the recently held 20th Shanghai International Automotive Industry Exhibition, the Company released the
world"s first automotive-grade RGB laser headlights, showing immersive in-car digital interaction
solutions such as exterior window display, in-car transparent display, in-car entertainment screen, and
smart surface display, demonstrating the Company"s new ideas for various scenarios of future
automotive optics, bringing a smarter and more interesting driving experience to drivers and passengers.
In addition, the Company attaches great importance to the patent layout of automotive optical
technology, and in the first quarter of 2023, the Company added 42 new authorizations and applications
The First Quarter Report in 2023
for patents related to automotive optical technology; as of March 31, 2023, the cumulative number of
patents authorized and applied for automotive optical technology reached 170.
With the rapid development of electric vehicle intelligence, the Company will continue to expand
the automotive optical business around the three application directions of automotive display, laser
headlights, and HUD, and work with industry chain ecological partners to jointly create a new intelligent
car experience for consumers.
In terms of cinema projection service business, in 2023, the supply of film sources and the pace of
release are recovering, and the cinema market is gradually recovering. In the first quarter of 2023, the
Company"s cinema projection service business achieved an operating income of RMB 90.9638 million, a
year-on-year increase of 11.03%.
In terms of professional display business, the Company continued to strengthen strategic
cooperation with core customers and industry chain partners, and held a core partner summit with the
theme of "Working Together to Shine the World" in March 2023. During the reporting period, the
Company"s professional display business recovered well as a whole, with an increase of 22.11% in
operating income over the same period last year, of which the overseas special display business
expanded rapidly, and the operating income increased by 74.71% over the same period last year.
In terms of C-end own brands, Formovie further focused on its own brand construction, and its own
brand business revenue was basically the same as the same period last year, and its revenue accounted
for more than 70% of Formovie"s total revenue, and its comprehensive gross profit margin increased
(1) Operating income
During the reporting period, the Xiaomi ODM business revenue of its subsidiary decreased by
the Company"s revenue performance.
(2) Fees
During the reporting period, the Company increased R&D investment in growth businesses such as
automotive optics, and R&D expenses increased by RMB 8.5099 million, a year-on-year increase of
The First Quarter Report in 2023
increased by RMB 5.0294 million, a year-on-year increase of 9.16% compared with 2022.
II. Shareholder information
(I) Total number of ordinary shareholders, number of preferred shareholders whose voting right has
been restituted, and shares held by top 10 shareholders
Unit: Share
Total number of preferred
Total number of ordinary
shareholders whose voting right has
shareholders as of the end of the 13,902 N/A
been restituted as of the end of the
reporting period
reporting period (if any)
Shares held by top 10 shareholders
Number of Shares pledged,
Numbe non-tradable marked, or
r of shares held, frozen
ion of
Nature of Number of non-tra including the
Shareholder sharehol
shareholder shares held dable shares lent out Status
ding Quan
shares under the of
(%) tity
held refinancing shares
Appotronics 79,762,679 17.45 0 0 None -
Holdings Limited
Shenzhen Yuanshi Domestic
Laser Industrial
Investment 24,139,500 5.28 0 0 None -
Partnership (LP) corporation
Nantong Strait Domestic
Appotronics non-stated
Investment owned
Partnership (LP) corporation
Shenzhen Domestic
Appotronics Daye non-stated
Investment owned
Partnership (LP)
The First Quarter Report in 2023
Shenzhen Domestic
Appotronics Hongye non-stated
Investment owned
Partnership (LP)
Shenzhen Jinleijing
Investment Limited 12,353,106 2.70 0 0 None -
Shenzhen Domestic
Appotronics non-stated
Chengye Consulting Owned
Partnership(LP) corporation
Bank of China-E
Fund Stable Income
other 8,629,271 1.89 0 0 None -
Bond Securities
Investment Fund
Guochuang Chenggu
Capital Management
Co., Ltd. -Shenzhen 8,114,369 1.78 0 0 None -
Chengguhui Equity
Investment corporation
Partnership (LP)
Industrial Bank
other 7,788,075 1.70 0 0 None -
Yongli Bond
Investment Fund
Shares held by top 10 holders of tradable shares
Number of tradable Type and number of shares
shares held Type of shares Quantity
Shenzhen Appotronics Holdings Limited 79,762,679 RMB-denominated ordinary 79,762,679
Shenzhen Yuanshi Laser Industrial
Investment 24,139,500 RMB-denominated ordinary 24,139,500
Consulting Partnership (LP) share
The First Quarter Report in 2023
Nantong Strait Appotronics Investment
Partnership (LP)
Shenzhen Appotronics Daye Investment
Partnership (LP)
Shenzhen Appotronics Hongye
Investment 15,662,374 RMB-denominated ordinary 15,662,374
Partnership (LP) share
Shenzhen Jinleijing Investment Limited
Shenzhen Appotronics Chengye
Consulting 10,394,846 RMB-denominated ordinary 10,394,846
Partnership(LP) share
Bank of China-E Fund Stable Income
Bond Securities Investment Fund
Shenzhen Guochuang Chenggu Capital
Management Co., Ltd. -Shenzhen
Chengguhui Equity Investment
Partnership (LP)
Industrial Bank Company
Limited-Tianhong Yongli Bond 7,788,075 RMB-denominated ordinary 7,788,075
Securities Investment Fund share
except the concerted action among Shenzhen Appotronics Holdings Limited.,
Shenzhen Yuanshi Laser Industrial Investment Consulting Partnership (LP),
Shenzhen Appotronics Daye Investment Partnership (LP), Shenzhen Appotronics
Affiliates or concert parties Hongye Investment Partnership (LP), Shenzhen Jinleijing Investment Limited
among the shareholders stated above Partnership (LP), and Shenzhen Appotronics Chengye Consulting Partnership
(LP) in top 10 shareholders of the Company.
the Administrative Measures for the Acquisition of the Listed Companies among
other shareholders.
Description of margin trading, short
selling, and refinancing involving top N/A
non-restricted shares (if any)
III. Other events
The First Quarter Report in 2023
Other important information about the business operation of the Company during the reporting period
requesting the attention of investors
√ Applicable □ N/A
(I) Litigation and arbitration
During the reporting period, the details of the Company"s litigation and arbitration matters are as
numbers (2020) Yue 73 Zhi Min Chu No.1335-1341, 1353 and 1355-1361.
No.1070), Delta Electronics, Inc. is the right holder of the invention patent No.ZL201110041436.1, and
it claims that the Company and Shanghai Haichi Digital Technology Co., Ltd. have infringed its
invention patent right, and the case is being tried at first instance.
(II) Request for invalidation declaration
patents held by Delta Electronics, Inc., and 3 cases were under trial by the State Intellectual Property
patentee has been filed with an invalidation request, and 3 cases are under trial by the State Intellectual
Property Office, the patents involved are the “light source structure based on phosphor to improve the
light conversion efficiency” (patent number: 200810065225.X), “phosphor layer, device and
corresponding light source and projection system, and corresponding production method” (patent
number: ZL201510420950.4), “optical system and projection device” (patent number:
IV. Quarterly financial statements
(I) Type of audit opinions
□ Applicable √ N/A
(II) Financial statements
The First Quarter Report in 2023
Consolidated Balance Sheet
March 31, 2023
Prepared by: Appotronics Corporation Limited
In RMB Audit type: Unaudited
Item March 31, 2023 December 31, 2022
Current Assets:
Cash and bank balances 1,469,396,456.06 1,355,882,208.63
Balances with clearing agencies
Placements with banks and other
financial institutions
Held-for-trading financial assets 357,880,000.00 352,880,000.00
Derivative financial assets
Notes receivable 2,699,977.52 2,234,687.77
Accounts receivable 144,756,256.94 208,260,235.79
Receivables financing 4,448,898.00 4,279,041.00
Prepayments 40,571,724.91 48,445,976.86
Premiums receivable
Amounts receivable under
reinsurance contracts
Reinsurer’s share of insurance
contract reserves
Other receivables 27,100,787.08 26,331,721.55
Including: Interest receivable
Dividend receivable 13,605,966.00 13,789,908.00
Financial assets purchased under
resale agreements
Inventories 851,103,674.04 865,639,961.79
Contract assets 866,469.79 1,061,581.35
Assets held for sale
Non-current assets due within one year 19,900,783.09 13,431,554.82
Other current assets 103,314,002.06 106,502,611.79
Total current assets 3,022,039,029.49 2,984,949,581.35
Non-current Assets:
The First Quarter Report in 2023
Loans and advances
Debt investments
Other debt investments
Long-term accounts receivable 13,939,785.50 11,524,193.80
Long-term equity investment 160,185,985.74 162,394,917.57
Investment in other equity instruments 7,075,419.38 7,075,419.38
Other non-current financial assets
Investment property
Fixed assets 402,916,872.24 427,539,718.53
Construction in progress 291,969,144.16 278,978,057.73
Productive biological assets
Oil and gas assets
Use right assets 63,613,309.14 62,255,670.29
Intangible assets 289,270,280.89 290,341,693.08
Development expenditure
Long-term prepaid expenses 7,283,451.21 5,990,984.03
Deferred tax assets 85,124,160.74 89,730,936.02
Other non-current assets 14,322,863.95 12,569,088.37
Total non-current assets 1,335,701,272.95 1,348,400,678.80
Total assets 4,357,740,302.44 4,333,350,260.15
Current Liabilities:
Short-term borrowings 159,659,634.03 129,589,634.03
Loans from the central bank
Taking from banks and other
financial institutions
Held-for-trading financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities 54,000.00
Notes payable 116,054,205.55 201,299,388.57
Accounts payable 206,616,328.35 276,845,321.28
Advance from customers 101,754,238.14 113,834,728.10
Contract liabilities 54,030,723.44 37,285,920.43
Financial assets sold under
repurchase agreements
The First Quarter Report in 2023
Customer deposits and deposits from
banks and other financial institutions
Funds from securities trading
Funds from underwriting securities
Employee benefits payable 29,226,329.49 58,470,960.55
Taxes payable 2,462,789.92 8,272,768.90
Other payables 49,223,795.89 56,662,357.08
Including: Interest payable
Dividend payable
Fees and commissions payable
Amounts payable under
reinsurance contracts
Liabilities held for sale
Non-current liabilities due within one
Other current liabilities 31,215,539.56 28,383,608.37
Total current liabilities 881,378,804.30 1,088,676,504.68
Non-current Liabilities:
Insurance contract reserves
Long-term borrowings 621,520,837.98 403,720,542.45
Bonds payable
Including: Preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Leasing liabilities 39,043,877.90 34,319,284.23
Long-term payables
Long-term employee benefits
Estimated liabilities 54,433,268.17 56,463,882.87
Deferred income 5,675,578.54 8,651,422.26
Deferred tax liabilities
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities 720,673,562.59 503,155,131.81
Total liabilities 1,602,052,366.89 1,591,831,636.49
The First Quarter Report in 2023
Owners’ Equity (Shareholders’ Equity):
Paid-in capital (or share capital) 457,107,538.00 457,107,538.00
Other equity instruments
Including: Preferred shares
Perpetual bonds
Capital reserve 1,543,948,489.41 1,530,752,116.04
Less: Treasury shares 19,377,297.59 19,377,297.59
Other comprehensive income 5,624,053.17 5,736,897.41
Special reserve
Surplus reserve 75,519,782.06 75,519,782.06
General risk reserve
Undistributed profit 611,579,116.62 597,924,451.67
Total owners’ (or shareholders’)
equity attributable to owners of the 2,674,401,681.67 2,647,663,487.59
Parent Company
Minority interests 81,286,253.88 93,855,136.07
Total owners’ (or shareholders’) equity 2,755,687,935.55 2,741,518,623.66
Total liabilities and owners’ (or
shareholders’) equity
Legal Representative: LI Yi Chief Accountant: WANG Yingxia Person in Charge of the
Accounting Body: WANG Yingxi
The First Quarter Report in 2023
Consolidated Income Statement
For the period from January to March 2023
Prepared by: Appotronics Corporation Limited
In RMB Audit type: unaudited
The First Quarter in The First Quarter
I. Total operating income 459,012,885.14 525,139,870.53
Including: Operating income 459,012,885.14 525,139,870.53
Interest income
Premiums earned
Fee and commission income
II. Total operating costs 467,714,458.54 523,692,375.90
Including: Operating costs 296,672,965.87 354,352,194.03
Interest expenses
Fee and commission expenses
Claims and policyholder benefits (net
of amounts recoverable from
Net withdrawal of insurance contract
Insurance policyholder dividends
Expenses for reinsurance accepted
Taxes and additions 2,246,009.39 2,776,916.38
Selling expenses 59,929,586.42 54,900,208.42
Administrative expenses 42,342,747.37 54,622,705.64
R&D expenses 63,434,898.20 54,924,987.12
Financial expenses 3,088,251.29 2,115,364.31
Including: Interest expense 5,966,634.80 5,325,013.75
Interest income 6,877,403.47 3,267,436.22
Add: Other income 21,723,549.50 12,499,685.94
Investment income (loss is indicated by
-2,765,299.53 1,790,753.08
The First Quarter Report in 2023
Including: Income from investments in
-5,117,145.08 -1,202,551.48
associates and joint ventures
Gains from derecognition of financial
assets measured at amortized cost
Foreign exchange gains
(loss is indicated by “-”)
Gains from net exposure hedges
(loss is indicated by “-”)
Gains from changes in fair
values (loss is indicated by “-”)
Losses of credit impairment
(loss is indicated by “-”)
Impairment losses of assets
-3,843,694.60 1,018,024.96
(loss is indicated by “-”)
Gains from disposal of assets
-2,903.65 3,849.89
(loss is indicated by “-”)
III. Operating profit (loss is indicated by
Add: Non-operating income 311,999.47 79,121.80
Less: Non-operating expense 118,694.04 166,556.20
IV. Total profits (total losses are
indicated by “-”)
Less: Income tax expenses 9,404,199.18 17,084,893.94
V. Net profits (net losses are indicated
-1,302,447.10 7,390,627.17
by “-”)
(I) Categorized by the continuity of operation
operations (net losses are indicated by "-") -1,302,447.10 7,390,627.17
operations (net losses are indicated by “-”)
(II) Categorized by the ownership
shareholders of the Parent Company 13,654,664.95 17,858,914.53
(net losses are indicated by "-")
The First Quarter Report in 2023
attributable to minority
-14,957,112.05 -10,468,287.36
shareholders (net losses are
indicated by “-”)
VI. Other comprehensive income, net of tax 421,940.06 -2,098,194.75
(I) Other comprehensive income that can be
attributable to owners of the Parent -112,844.24 -2,114,795.48
Company, net of tax
cannot be reclassified subsequently to
profit or loss
(1) Changes from remeasurement
of defined benefit plans
(2) Other comprehensive income that
cannot be reclassified to profit or loss
under the equity method
(3) Changes in fair value of
investments in other equity instruments
(4) Changes in fair value of
enterprises’ own credit risks
-112,844.24 -2,114,795.48
will be reclassified to profit or loss
(1) Other comprehensive income that
will be reclassified to profit or loss under 4,433,259.00 -531,438.79
the equity method
(2) Changes in fair value of other
debt investments
(3) Amount of financial assets
reclassified to other comprehensive
(4) Provision for credit impairment
of other debt investments
(5) Reserve for cash flow hedges
(6) Exchange differences on translation
of financial statements denominated in -4,546,103.24 -1,583,356.69
foreign currencies
The First Quarter Report in 2023
(7) Others
(II) Other comprehensive income that
can be attributable to minority 534,784.30 16,600.73
shareholders, net of tax
VII. Total comprehensive income -880,507.04 5,292,432.42
(I) Total comprehensive income that can
be attributable to owners of the Parent 13,541,820.71 15,744,119.05
(II) Total comprehensive income that
can be attributable to minority -14,422,327.75 -10,451,686.63
VIII. Earnings per share:
(I) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) 0.03 0.04
(II) Diluted earnings per share
In the event of business combinations involving enterprises under common control, the net profits
realized prior to the combination by the party being absorbed is: RMB 0, and the net profits
realized in the last period by the party being absorbed is: RMB 0.
Legal Representative: LI Yi Chief Accountant: WANG Yingxia Person in Charge of the
Accounting Body: WANG Yingxia
The First Quarter Report in 2023
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
For the period from January to March 2023
Prepared by: Appotronics Corporation Limited
In RMB Audit type: Unaudited
Item The First Quarter in The First Quarter in
I. Cash Flows from Operating Activties:
Cash receipts from the sale of goods and the
rendering of services
Net increase in customer deposits and
deposits from banks and other financial
Net increase in loans from the central
Net increase in taking from banks and
other financial institutions
Cash receipts from premiums under
direct insurance contracts
Net cash receipts from reinsurance
Net cash receipts from policyholders’
deposits and investment contract
Cash receipts from interest, fees and
Net increase in taking from banks
Net increase in financial assets sold
under repurchase arrangements
Net cash received from securities
trading agencies
Receipts of tax refunds 1,723,533.49 1,653,792.53
Other cash receipts relating to
operating activities
Sub-total of cash inflows from 589,349,609.57
operating activities 780,461,822.29
The First Quarter Report in 2023
Cash payments for goods purchased and
services received
Net increase in loans and advances to
Net increase in balance with the
central bank and due from banks and
other financial institutions
Cash payments for claims and
policyholders" benefits under direct
insurance contracts
Net increase in placements with banks and
other financial institutions
Cash payments for interest, fees and
Cash payments for insurance policyholder
Cash payments to and on behalf of
Payments of various types of taxes 15,116,610.77 21,170,130.47
Other cash payments relating to
operating activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from
operating activities
Net cash flow from operating activities -36,331,090.68 -68,223,422.47
II. Cash Flows from Investing Activties:
Cash receipts from disposals and
recovery of investments
Cash receipts from investment income 2,405,845.55 2,993,304.56
Net cash receipts from disposals of
fixed assets, intangible assets and other 5,500.00 50.00
long-term assets
Net cash receipts from disposals of
subsidiaries and other business units
Other cash receipts relating to
investing activities
Sub-total of cash inflows from 392,411,345.55 433,993,354.56
The First Quarter Report in 2023
investing activities
Cash payments to acquire or construct
fixed assets, intangible assets and other 18,023,943.37 24,223,261.42
long-term assets
Cash payments to acquire investments 395,000,000.00 419,000,000.00
Net increase in pledged loans receivables
Net cash payments for acquisitions of
subsidiaries and other business units
Other cash payments relating to
investing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from
investing activities
Net cash flows from investment activities -20,612,597.82 -9,229,906.86
III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
Cash receipts from capital contributions
Including: Cash receipts from capital
contributions from minority
Other cash receipts relating to financing
Sub-total of cash inflows from
financing activities
Cash repayments of borrowings 265,000,000.00 62,977,252.77
Cash payments for distribution of
dividends or profits or settlement of 60,700,002.00 39,250,545.00
interest expenses
Including: Payments for distribution of
dividends or profits to minority shareholders 6,782,419.71 5,435,603.29
of subsidiaries
Other cash payments relating to
financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from
financing activities
Net cash flows from financing activities 75,179,587.16 51,366,767.86
Other cash receipts relating to financing
IV. Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate
-5,331,963.01 -285,263.26
Changes on Cash and Cash Equivalents
The First Quarter Report in 2023
V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash
Add: Opening balance of cash and
cash equivalents
VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash
Legal Representative: LI Yi Chief Accountant: WANG Yingxia Person in Charge of the
Accounting Body: WANG Yingxia
(I) Description of adjustments in opening balances of line items in financial statements of the year
due to implementation of new accounting standard since 2023
□ Applicable √ N/A
Be it hereby announced
Board of Directors of Appotronics Corporation Limited
April 28, 2023